As a Nationally Board Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, I will support you in bringing a fresh Awareness to your Lifestyle Choices regarding your...
Nutrition ~ Sleep ~ Relationships ~ Exercise ~ Stress
How will I support you in making healthy changes in your life?
Together we can make small changes that leave you feeling more energized, more balanced and more like Yourself!
As your Functional Medicine Health Coach, I will assist your journey back to health, using mindfulness techniques, positive psychology, and character strengths. Encouraging you to be your Best Version of YOU!
People often don't realize how bad they are feeling until they start feeling well again. Many folks today walk around numb to the choices they are making, feeling a sense of discount from themselves and others. Regain a sense of yourself!
Coaching sessions can be done in person, over the phone or through a telehealth platform.
The first session is 60 minutes and the following sessions are generally about 30 minutes each.
Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions.
Sign up for a "Free Intro Session" to learn more and see if this feels right for you!
Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be YOU!
"Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That's who you really are.
Let go of any part of you who doesn't believe it." C.ASSAD